A bit assist

I just recently reached out to Heather,  from Heather Eats Almond Butter, for some advice. A while back I checked out her publish on “Confessions of a former Runner” as well as it truly struck a cord with me. Mám rád beh. like it like it. But, it has been in the back of my mind that high mileage is making it difficult for me to lose weight. Often, with high mileage comes a high appetite! Heather discusses that while she ate healthy foods, her body did crave a great deal of fuel to keep her going. in some cases I am uncertain if I am really hungry (and requirement to fuel)  or if I want a specific food since it tastes good.

So, after a few emails back as well as forth I have chose to dedicate to yoga twice a week (as my stamina training) as well as focus on getting much more protein,  fats as well as whole grains (versus white flour). This is not as well different from my typical eats, however I will just be conscious of my protein as well as fat intake because I am heavy on the carbs in my diet. I am not going to cut back on running whatsoever because I’m training for a Marathon as well as all, however I am going to  try to view it on the sugar. I like that the blog world hooked me up with this fantastic new buddy (who’s blog I’ve been reading for a long time). thanks Heather ?
MY newest VIDEOS

Marathon training Day 2
Marathon training journal day 2. RunEatRepeat.com

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0 seconds of 1 minute, 45 seconds

Memoir Jessica Simpson – recenzia otvorenej knihy


Lunch was eaten in parts because I wasn’t truly hungry at lunch time, however needed to eat so I might get back to work. I started with an apple.

And had the leftover TJ’s vegetarian chili over broccoli a bit later. everybody at work made this huge fuss since they believed I was eating beef (I typically eat vegetarian at work). Um, sorry people – it’s veggie chili as well as it’s delicious! however their huge conversation about my eats had me all flustered as well as I failed to remember to take a picture of it. I even had my video camera best next to me! Sorry, however it looks the exact same as last night…

I will publish the champion of the contest tonight! See ya later, gators ?

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What to eat AFTER You Run

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Veselé Vianoce 2013

Veselé Vianoce z vášho Monican!

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Tvárová maska ​​na beh alebo chôdzu vonku tipy
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0 sekúnd po 7 minútach, 15 sekúnd

4 -minútové stojace základné cvičenie pre bežcov


Včera som sa dostal na Floridu o šiestej hodine a išiel som priamo na raňajky pri malej večere. Zvyčajne nemám hlad po takomto lete, bol som však na to pripravený!

Moja Nina mi poskytla darčekovú kartu pre Dunkin Donuts predtým, ako som odišiel. Presne chápe, ako sa mi páči DD !! Takže teraz je mojou ťažkosťou vypiť všetku ľadovú kávu, ktorú môžem, skôr ako sa vydám do Kalifornie. Obchod.

Išli sme do kostola Štedrý deň namiesto ráno, pretože presne tak sa tu pretočia. Použil som červené šaty, o ktorom som požiadal o hlasovanie prostredníctvom Instagramu – slávnostné!

Radosť do sveta, Pán príde …

Potom bol súčasný čas! Rovnako ako Santa bol pre mňa skvelý

Mám držiaka vína Manatee! Moje dve preferované veci v jednom !!!

Mám ťa rád.

Prajeme vám mimoriadne požehnané, ako aj veselé Vianoce!

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F My diet plan

Today was a diet plan disaster:

The only things I took pics of were beans as well as an orange ( I didn’t eat the beans out of a can like some grizzly camper) . I likewise ate a ton of random crap.
Moje najaktuálnejšie videá

Dostal som test Covid-19
Getting a Coronavirus test – exactly how it works, what it feels like, my experience as well as more. I got the standard test as well as Ben got the Covid-19 fast test.

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0 seconds of 5 minutes, 16 seconds

Recenzia knihy American Dirt Book


So,  Intuitive eating was a major stop working today. I believe somewhat since I was a glass situation of emotion (jump to 4:06 on the clip). anchor Man

Much like my views on Santa Claus, I want to believe IE exists works


But, I don’t believe difficult sufficient since I’ve been failing left as well as right. I believe a great deal of it is the emotional thing, as I’m getting a bit much better at acknowledging my hunger (a bit being the crucial phrase). I ended up acting like today was a “Last Supper” when I realized today was ruined. Boo. I’ve gotta begin composing these thoughts down as the day goes by for discovering purposes.

Since I’m so introspective ideal now: This year has absolutely been the craziest year of my life! A year back I was asking the blog if I might run outside as well as now I’m really doing it! Life is weird.

And yes,  for those of you that acknowledged the signals – Ben has the infant fever. It’s odd that it’s him as well as not me (stereotypically), however I assumption I must be delighted he’s so ecstatic about it. But, we are waiting a few years to get some stuff out of the way: occupation progression, traveling, enjoying each other…so I hope infant sees are sufficient for now!

Baby Making – That’s always one of the very first things people ask as well as I believe it’s so strange. When is it fine to ask about what’s going on with my girlie bits? Ummm… why are you so concerned?

I gotta go, however I will be a better, happier, a lot more pleasurable blog writer tomorrow. Sľubujem. If I don’t you can stop reading this shit.

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What I Ate This weekend as well as the very best Run as well as eat of November

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Mexican Meatless Monday – part II

welcome to the second Mexican Meatless Monday!

You men know I love easy recipes and this is another one of my classics ? Tonight for dinner I made easy Black Bean Soup (see I even added easy in the name).
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Marathon training Day 4
Marathon training diary Day 4 check in

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0 seconds of 1 minute, 21 seconds

Deň maratónu 5. Deň 5


The soup only requires four ingredients plus chips and cheese for topping. Ingredients: can of refried black beans, vegetable broth, jar of salsa and frozen veggies.

Directions: place entire can of beans, jar of salsa, half a bag of frozen veggies and add vegetable broth to desired thickness. heat thoroughly. top with shredded cheese and crushed chips.

This time I ate the chips on the side for dipping.

I’m feeling a lot better than I was this morning ? Sorry if my recap seemed like a downer in any way. I completely realize that running a marathon is an incredible accomplishment and I am happy of myself.

But…you men also know I keep it real here and I would be lying if I didn’t admit feeling a twinge of disappointment when I saw my time on the board at the finish line.

Thanks for the well wishes and please believe that I am happy of myself  – I always say that I am not built for running. The fact that I run at all, let alone run 26.2 miles is a miracle…

I weigh much more than I’d like to – and much more than my knees would like to carry. I ran a marathon yesterday. I wore spandex in public with nothing to hide my ass. I am one bad bitch. I do give myself some credit report ?

I am also very pleased to share my Disney loot with my little bro, Matt. He is absolutely obsessed with all things Disney so I made sure to bring home anything that wasn’t bolted down from the hotel room.

And I got this collector’s pin that I’m going to give to him.

My eats today have been very random. first I wasn’t hungry at all, then I was very hungry out of no where, then I was emotionally snacky… just one of those days. I didn’t file many of it, but this was one of the highlights:

Plus extra PB for dipping, because I am a glutton. note to self: Either go to confession or stop being a glutton unless you want to go to hell.

I expect that tomorrow my body will be back to normal (for me) and I will be able to get back on the Intuitive eating wagon ?

Have a good one ?

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The many legendary trip of My Life

This publish given you by summertime of Groupon. All opinions are 100% mine.

Dear God, You can take me any type of time now since I just had the most legendary day as well as am pleased to end it best here.
Moje najnovšie videá

Marathon training Day 2
Marathon training journal day 2. RunEatRepeat.com

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0 seconds of 1 minute, 45 seconds

Potom bola preč – recenzia knihy


Yesterday I went on an “Extreme Helicopter Tour” over Orange County. I got a very offer on Groupon for a 30 minute trip for two.

This trip is thought about ‘extreme’ since the pilot takes off the doors of the helicopter so you are essentially flying with the air with only a seat belt to hold ya in!

I brought Ben along in this experience since he is quite consumed with all things that fly with the air (he’s a mechanical engineer as well as has dealt with planes as well as helicopters as well as junk). So, I’m quite sure he was even much more thrilled than I was!

Strapped in as well as doing the needed helicopter selfie.

Next thing you understand we were taking off!

The flight was out of Santa Ana / OC flight terminal so we were over the Pacific ocean in minutes.


Going over the homes as well as ocean looked just like the opening credit ratings of The genuine Housewives of the OC.

and Laguna beach

Pilot Philip was incredible as well as explained landmarks as well as points of interest. He likewise stopped as well as hovered a bit for great pictures.

I caught a quick Instagram video of the adventure.

Warning: The wind is loud. (Turn down the volume on your computer/phone.)

Warning #2. This will make you want to decrease whatever you are doing as well as relocation to Orange region immediately.

I would 1000% do this again. I want to take my household on this trip now too! It was one of the most incredible experiences of my life as well as I can’t believe it was so simple to set up.

Check out Groupon to do something legendary this summer.

Question: have you ever been on a helicopter?

Would you take a ride?


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Neustále si ich vyberte:

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suchý šampón, črevné zdravie, beh v Kanade, ako aj oveľa viac obáv z IG príbehov

Ahoj! Odpovedám na vaše obavy z Instagramu na beh, stravovanie, šarm a zdravie a wellness – aká kombinácia tém sme

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Running to the Queen Mary in long beach as well as The primary goal for this week

Hello! I ran in long beach this weekend as well as made everything the method to the Queen Mary!! This is additional interesting for me since I like running in long Beach, Ca as well as I’ve run this path so numerous times before however never did this path that really takes you all the method to the ship!! I was extremely very pleased about this new to me running path as well as new experience! as well as I was likewise pleased to run with trainer Steve as well as see a few of my Sole Runner Buddies!!

Here’s a quick RUN down (get it?) of this weekend’s long run. as well as I have an Instagram story design template you can utilize to set your primary goal for this week. inspect it out as well as share it on Instagram tagging @RunEatRepeat so I can see what your goals are best now!!
MY newest VIDEOS

4 minute lower Body workout for Runners
Five lower Body exercises for Runners! try this quick stamina workout at house for your legs, hips as well as glutes. No devices needed.

Glute Bridge
Donkey Kicks – alternating sides
Clamshells – alternating sides

Get much more information on RunEatRepeat.com

More Videos

0 seconds of 4 minutes, 49 seconds

Next Up
Podcast Recaps from Aug 6


First… running in long Beach:

I ran with trainer Steve … His running group The Sole Runners are training for the long beach marathon as well as half marathon.

1. We ran around the marina as well as made our method to the bike / pedestrian path on the beach. very first stop was stating hi to Captain Morgan!

2. trainer Steve has gotten truly quick as well as was pushing me from the extremely beginning. I got mad at him a bit bit while we were running… however I am truly glad that he makes me step it up.

3. I’ve been right here a great deal however never ran to the Queen Mary! The path I typically do goes to a pier across the water from it. So I was very thrilled to try a new route! //

4. The Sole Runners custom is to go all the method up as well as touch it before turning around.

5. We started early to try as well as beat the warm however it still ended up being very hot!

6. Leann it is the Sole Runners support team as well as sets out an aid station on long runs. They had watermelon coconut water Gatorade soda cookies as well as more!

7. RER present with the Queen Mary in the background!

Instagram story Template

Fill out this insta story design template with your primary goal for the week. select one thing to focus on as well as truly go after it!!

You can discover much more goal templates as well as other fun fill-in or this/that stories under “Templates” in my Instagram Highlights!

Make sure to comply with @RunEatRepeat on Instagram for more!

Question: What is your primary goal this week?



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Valentine workout

pleased Valentine’s Day!

February 14th is my mom’s birthday – pleased birthday Mom! My mother is the very best since she birthed me (I was a extremely big baby) as well as the other red headed anomaly in my family, Michael.
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Athleta Running Shorts Review.mp4
No Chafing Running Shorts for women. new evaluation of Athleta HIIT IT 9 in inseam shorts.

Viac videí

0 seconds of 8 minutes, 21 seconds

Marathon training Day 3


She fed me well…

And increased me to be the doubtful Web character I am today. I understood that communications degree would are available in helpful some day.

Všetko najlepšie k narodeninám, mama! Mám ťa rád.

Here’s a fun workout to do on Valentine’s Day with a buddy.

1. get hold of a friend, or Valentine or complete stranger that you’d like to be your Valentine.

2. Do these exercises 3 times.

3. only eat the great candy, make it worth it.

Question: Do you like candy as a gift? Are you getting your own or taking it from the candy meal at work?

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⚡ by shareaholic


Easy chocolate Chia Pudding–3 ingredient recipe

easy Strawberries & chocolate Chia Pudding recipe made with real California milk and layered with strawberries for a delicious and nutritious treat. No cooking required! and this recipe only calls for a handful of ingredients.

I originally read born to Run  a little after it first came out way back in 2012. But, I gotten it on Audible last week to listen to while running. It had been so long considering that I read the book that it was like a new story! I’ll talk about the book another day but I mention it because that’s where I first heard about chia seeds.

The book is about a tribe of incredibly runners and one of their staple foods is a drink made with chia seeds. The author credit scores the seeds with giving them a ton of nutrition on the go.

And if you’ve been following RER for a while, you know that another runner incredibly food I love is… chocolate milk! California dairy is a healthy source of protein and the combination of protein and carbs in chocolate milk is great for a post-workout recovery snack. Plus, it’s delicious.

So, I figured – if I put together chocolate milk and chia seeds… it’ll combine to make a incredibly snack that will help fuel you for running and taste like dessert.

It really is good and it’s so easy to make! try it out and let me know if you feel like you can keep up with the incredibly runners in the book after eating it. Make sure to look for the real California Milk seal when at the grocery store so you know you’re getting quality, sustainable ingredients made by real people.

Easy chocolate Chia Pudding with Strawberries Recipe


2 cups chocolate Milk

1/2 cup chia seeds

1/2 tsp. vanilla extract (optional)

1 cup sliced strawberries

optional: whipped cream and chocolate chips


Combine chocolate milk, chia seeds and vanilla extract (if using).

Mix well, cover and let sit in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours OR overnight. (It will thicken to a pudding consistency.)

When you’re ready to serve – stir and layer chia pudding and strawberries.

Top with whipped cream and chocolate chips.

Užite si to!

For a lot more recipes and information check out the real California Milk website.

This post is in partnership with real California Milk. Všetky názory sú moje vlastné.

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6 Zdravé nápady na občerstvenie zabalené bielkoviny

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Irvine half Marathon results and Mud Run?

Ahoj! I ran the Irvine half Marathon this weekend and it was packed with a few surprises! These are my results and recap – if you ran the race feel totally free to link your recap in the comments.

Irvine half Marathon Race Recap
MY newest VIDEOS

Covid 19 Antibody Test
I took the Covid19 Antibody Test. Here’s how it went and the results!

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0 seconds of 5 minutes, 19 seconds

My beautiful wife in the Pysch Ward: A Memoir – book Review


Packet Pick-Up: There was NO race day packet pick-up. Boo. one of my favorite things is when races let you get your race bib (number) the morning of the race. It can be a big hassle to have to drive to the race location the night before a race…. go home… wake up at the crack of dawn to go back to that same place you were yesterday. There are a lot of races around southern California and there are also a lot of people in here – this implies there’s a lot of traffic. because this was a Saturday race – runners had to get their stuff Thursday or Friday night. fortunately I live very close to the race starting line – but if I lived in long beach or near my parents… nope. I would have had to drive for hours out and back – only to have to do that again the next day.

Related: One time skinny Runner and I were expected to run a race in San Diego and had to pick up our stuff the day before. The traffic was soooooo bad – dead stop, going no where on the 405 bad – that we chose to turn around and not do the race.

Race Tee: short sleeve tech tee. Páčilo sa mi to.

Logistics: I live close by so it ought to have been no problem to get to the start line – but I didn’t know what streets were closed and ended up having to detour and find a new route. I think there were directions from the freeway but not street directions. I didn’t need to get on the freeway so that didn’t really get me the info I needed.

Parking: Free. Boom!

Race Morning: I was late. (See: logistics) but there wasn’t a lot of traffic and the race started on time! The late arrival was on me.

I was walking to the starting line when the gun went off. So on the bright side – I got some good photos of the race start! and these were the only good pictures from the race because it started to rain when I had about 1 mile left. After the race it was raining pretty hard and I didn’t want to have my phone out in it so I asked someone to snap a quick post-race picture and then made a bee line to my car. Or maybe I made a ladybug line because I’m not a bee. but I don’t know if I’m really a lady either so… essentially I rushed to the car because I was freezing.

Race Course: This is similar to the Lexus lace Up Irvine half course… but there are a few small differences. It’s a fairly flat course around Irvine, CA neighborhoods and bike paths.

There was one big challenge on race day in the form of a … mud pit / puddle / lake situation. The rain from the night before flooded the path and there was a section covered in muddy water that went past your ankles. When I got to this part I stopped for a second because everyone in front of me was trying to navigate this area by going to the best or left of it. There was a man coming back on the best side so I assumed he didn’t think that was the way to go… so I went left.

Well, there was no way around it (literally). Runners just had to thoroughly walk through the mud water and trying to go to the side helped keep it from being too deep.

But another runner showed me a picture of their attempt to go around it to the best and it turns out – if you stayed up against the wall you could mostly get around it without having to step in the water completely.

I probably would have fallen in so I’m alright with my choice – it looked like they were completely against the wall and one lil lean the wrong way would imply stepping into it.

Finish Line: I didn’t stay for any post race party, food, totally free beer, etc. At that point it was raining and I was freezing and just wanted to get home and into the shower. plus – Diego was waiting for me at home!

Overall: I would do this race again. It’s so close! and the weather was the main drawback, but it’s rare to deal with very challenging weather around here. maybe I ought to call it an inconvenience instead?

Race Grade: On a scale of 1 to 5… um, I’m going to say a 3.4.

But this is the first time I’ve used this scale so… maybe I’ll have to edit this when I start to grade much more races.

Results: My finish time was 1:52:46

The good thing about Saturday races is Sunday rest day feels sooooo good.

And 1st place for the cutest half marathon medal wearing golden Retriever is…

Diego Redvera!!

And in other race news… I have new discounts for you!

New Race discount Codes

OC Marathon and half Marathon discount Code

Get 10% off of the Orange county Marathon or half Marathon may 5th

Discount code: RUNEATREPEAT10

Elite sportsRaces – full, half marathon, 10k and 5k races in southern California

Get 20% off all races with discount Code: RER20

Check out their events page for all the upcoming races! There’s one in Jan, one in Feb… there’s a lot!

Check out the Race discounts page for more!

Question: Did you run this weekend?

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